The UC Food Observer chooses some important stories for you to read each work day. On today’s menu:
1. Food Democracy: By the People, for the People and Toward a Stronger Nation. Registered dietitian and journalist Melinda Hemmelgarn (@food_sleuth) surveys a variety of people and programs to explore the meanings of “food democracy” for Natural Awakenings. One of those she interviews – Kitchen Gardener International’s founder Roger Doiron – says this: “Quality food is central to well-being and is one of the best ways to unite people of different countries and cultures around a common, positive agenda.” A marvelous piece. (You can read our Q&A with Roger Doiron here).
2. International food stories. Chinese trade rules put South Korea’s kimchi industry in a pickle. Alexandra Stevenson (@jotted) for the New York Times. Syrian refugees find comfort in the ritual of cooking. Victoria Sgarro (@trsgarro) for National Geographic’s The Plate.
3. Key data. UN estimates global population will reach 11 billion by 2100. And this: Survey indicates roughly 40% of world’s adult population unaware of climate change. Yale Environment360 reports.
4. Read our Q&A with LaManda Joy, founder of Chicago’s Peterson Garden Project. Joy’s work is inspired by the Victory Gardens of World War II.
5. Research: A team of researchers from Michigan State University and the Chinese Academy of Sciences is quantifying nature’s role in human well-being. Findings? People “who depended on multiple types of ecosystem services” – including agriculture and ecotourism – “fared better than those who had all their earning eggs in one natural resource basket.”
Have a great day!