We lead busy lives. It’s challenging to plan nutritious meals, to organize the ingredients we need for a recipe, and to find the time to cook. The result? We often grab something on the go. And that means we may be missing out on a rewarding experience and better health. (Research indicates that cooking at home is healthier).
Chef and author Mark Bittman and Trello have just made our lives easier. Trello is a fun, online organization and project management tool; it also has a nifty smartphone application.
When Brian Cervino of Trello started the project, he wanted to create a meal planning board and some recipe strategies to simplify his life and help others. He reached out to Mr. Bittman for help, and the storied chef provided some of his favorite recipes…quick, healthy and delicious. Cervino has organized the recipes into a month of planned-out meals, something he calls the Mark Bittman Recipes Board.
Mr. Bittman was kind enough to answer some questions for Cervino (@briancervino):
Cervino: “What are some of your strategies for planning healthy meals at a reasonable budget?”
Mr. Bittman: “Keep your pantry stocked with the ingredients you like and know how to cook. Dried grains and legumes, good canned tomatoes and beans, pasta, Parmesan cheese, your favorite herbs, spices, and condiments—these are the basis of so many different meals, and they give you the flexibility to add fresh (or, yes, frozen!) vegetables and proteins as you like. When you focus on just a few simple dishes, then you can build on them, with or without a recipe game plan. That’s the best way to quickly become super comfortable in the kitchen.”