Building a More Inclusive Campus Food System
In this guest blog post, you’ll learn about the Community Table Project at the UC Davis Student Farm, a new effort that’s addressing campus food insecurity and starting an important dialogue …
Building a More Inclusive Campus Food System
In this guest blog post, you’ll learn about the Community Table Project at the UC Davis Student Farm, a new effort that’s addressing campus food insecurity and starting an important dialogue …
Mark Van Horn, UC Davis Student Farm Director
“That’s why the things we do stick… they come out of students’ own motivation. They are things they want to learn, changes they want to see happen in what they …
How a “football field farm” helped a struggling college
When Michael J. Sorrell assumed leadership at Paul Quinn College (@paulquinntigers) in Dallas, Texas, he faced many challenges. The college was deeply in debt, student enrollment was dwindling, and there …