Essay: GM wheat trial fails … but science wins
About five years ago, a team of scientists at Rothamsted Research (located in England) “began breeding wheat that could be grown using fewer pesticides.” Their ultimate goal? To engineer “the wheat …
Essay: GM wheat trial fails … but science wins
About five years ago, a team of scientists at Rothamsted Research (located in England) “began breeding wheat that could be grown using fewer pesticides.” Their ultimate goal? To engineer “the wheat …
Can this scientist bring genetic engineers and organic farmers together?
Pamela Ronald is a noted UC Davis plant pathologist and geneticist. She and her research team have isolated genes from rice that are disease-resistant and can tolerate floods.When inserted into …
Op-Ed: “Corporate irresponsibility over GMOs”
What is “being lost” as GMOs become a “trendy identifier?” In a scathing op-ed penned for The Washington Post, Michael Gerson (@MJGerson), suggests that the move to nix GMOs by …
Monsanto-Syngenta deal hinges on sale of seed companies
United States seed giant Monsanto is scrambling to line up buyers for Syngenta’s seed business before another takeover attempt of the Swiss company. The assets are valued at about $8B, …
The GMO controversy misses the point
The list of companies announcing changes to the foods they manufacture and retail is growing in response to consumer demand. Chipotle has nixed GMOs (well, at least partly). McDonald’s has …
Why some aren’t taking Chipotle’s GMO announcement seriously
Making big headlines this week was Chipotle’s renouncement of “ingredients derived from genetically modified organisms, or GMOs.” Chipotle indicated that GMOs don’t “align” with the company’s notion of “food with …
Opinion: “How I got converted to GMO food”
Mark Lynas (@mark_lynas) is a researcher at the Cornell Alliance for Science. He was once an anti-GMO activist, and even admits to participating in the vandalism of field trials in …
Research: Cultivated sweet potatoes were genetically modified (naturally)
Drum roll, please. According to research, the first genetically modified foods weren’t human creations. Scientists have discovered that sweet potatoes contain bacterial genes that were introduced by microbes. (The discovery …
U.S. disappointed by EU proposal to allow biotech bans
Leaders from the United States are expressing concern about a European Union (EU) proposal that would allow its 28 member states to “opt out” of imports of GMO food and …
Revised biotech labeling bill set for release
A revised bill that would block state GMO labeling laws may be introduced in the House as early as this week, and is anticipated to contain a “new provision to …