Coffee drinkers can breathe a sigh of relief. Additional research indicates that the daily consumption of 2-3 cups of coffee “appears to be safe and is associated with neutral to beneficial effects for most of the studied health outcomes.”
That’s important: coffee is the most widely consumed beverage after water in the United States.
One of the latest research studies – “Effects of Habitual Coffee Consumption on Cardiometabolic Disease, Cardiovascular Health, and All-cause Mortality” – indicates that those who consume coffee regularly may have reduced risks for mortality. Coffee consumption may lessen the risk of type 2 diabetes. Among other potential benefits are greater protection against neurodegenerative diseases and improved asthma control.
There is some caution from the research team:
“…most of the data on coffee’s health effects are based upon observational data, with very few randomized controlled studies, and association does not prove causation. Additionally, the possible advantages of regular coffee consumption have to be weighed against potential risks (which are mostly related to its high caffeine content) including anxiety, insomnia, tremulousness and palpitations, as well as bone loss and possibly increased risk of fractures.”
You can access the study abstract here. You can download the full study, free-of-charge, by signing up at ResearchGate.