When Michael J. Sorrell assumed leadership at Paul Quinn College (@paulquinntigers) in Dallas, Texas, he faced many challenges. The college was deeply in debt, student enrollment was dwindling, and there were cultural issues facing the institution. Only a few days into his new position, Sorrell cut the football program. And after a while, what emerged was surprising: the We Over Me Farm, located on the site of the former football field.


“Nearly half of the produce is sold directly back to the community. A portion of the farm is set aside to grow crops that are in demand locally, mostly soul food staples like collard greens, okra, purple hull peas, and summer squash. Through regular “Gleaning For Good” events, Koski’s team also works with the North Texas Food Bank to glean the farm, and all of the collected produce is then distributed to local food pantries.”


An inspiring story from Amy McCarthy (@aemccarthy) via Civil Eats (@civileats).