“Big Food” has fallen on hard times. Conglomerate Conagra (among its brands are Hunts, Orville Redenbacher, and Chef Boyardee) recently cut its profit projections. Kraft (its brands include Oscar Mayer, Jell-O, Maxwell House, and Velveeta) is also reporting slow sales. Even Kellogg has seen its product sales slump.

Are we on the verge of real change? Tom Philpott (@tomphilpott) reports for Mother Jones:


“Currencies rise and fall, but the real specter haunting the industry may be something less ephemeral than the dollar’s gyrations. Campbell Soup CEO Denise Morrison—whose company makes V8 juice and Pepperidge Farm baked goods along with soup—recently publicly declared that there’s a “mounting distrust of so-called Big Food, the large food companies and legacy brands on which millions of consumers have relied…for so long,” reports Fortune’s Phil Wahba, in an account from a conference at which Morrison spoke. Morrison also cited the “increasingly complex public dialog when it comes to food” as a drag on Campbell Soup’s and its competitors’ sales, Wahba reports.”


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