via Chuck Abbott (@chuckabbott1) at Food and Environment Reporting Network (@FERNnews).


The anticipated debate over the nation’s premiere anti-hunger program is on. House Agriculture Committee chair Michael Conaway is calling for a comprehensive review of the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP, formerly known as “food stamps”). The review process could take a couple of years, and could have significant implications for the nation.

Rep. Conaway said this:


“While the economy has changed and other welfare programs have adjusted to meet changing needs, it does not appear that SNAP has.”


SNAP represents the bulk of USDA spending. Many Republican lawmakers would like to see more stringent work and eligibility requirements for the program. But some Democrat lawmakers are pushing back.


Massachusetts Democrat Jim McGovern said two-thirds of food stamp recipients are children, disabled or elderly. “I don’t know how tougher work requirements help them.”


A great read on an important and complex topic. Helpful hyperlinks are included in the piece for those who want to enhance their understanding of how the program is structured and what the legislative issues are surrounding SNAP.


Related Links:

Food Stamp use in rural America challenges stereotypes