The World Economic Forum is being held in Davos, Switzerland. A Huff Post Live segment entitled “Food Versus Forest” featuring thought leaders Anna Lappe, Roger Thurow, and Tom Philpott addresses some key questions about the challenges facing the world’s growing population.
“What changes to the global food system are needed? And how do they become reality?”
The answers suggest what many think ought to be discussed at the Davos gathering. Lappe, Thurow, and Philpott talk about a variety of issues, including challenges to food production, food distribution, hunger and nutrition, climate change, food waste, Africa, international development, political power and democracy, and the role of agricultural extension.
Watch the video; it’s about 18 minutes long. (If you don’t have time to watch the video, simply listen to the audio). Questions and comments from the audience are seamlessly woven in, giving the broadcast a fast-paced, dynamic feel. A wide-ranging, vibrant discussion worth hearing.
Bonus: The World Economic Forum site has a number of video discussions from the meeting, each with global implications. Some are in debate format; all are fascinating.