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Friday Wrap: 2/13/15

UC Food Observer chooses a handful of important stories for you to read as you finish your work week. On the menu, in no particular order: In a compelling interview, …

Urban foraging: can it feed people?

Nathanael Johnson (@savortooth of Grist) explores urban foraging, providing a point and counter-point to an incredibly interesting topic. The piece is informative and philosophical. It posits a simple question: “What if …

U.S. ag census data: most farms are small

Background: Every five years, the USDA conducts a Census of Agriculture. (This is twice as often as the U.S. Census). The data collected in the ag census is used for …

Bittman: The State of Food

On the eve of President Obama’s State of the Union address, Mark Bittman provides his own take on the “State of Food” in a piece appearing in the New York …