Wrap: Caffeine, global ocean management, foreign nations invest in American ag land, more
We hope you’ve having a great day. On the menu, in no particular order: Caffeine. It’s a drug…and the drug of choice for many. I’m consuming it as I …
Wrap: Caffeine, global ocean management, foreign nations invest in American ag land, more
We hope you’ve having a great day. On the menu, in no particular order: Caffeine. It’s a drug…and the drug of choice for many. I’m consuming it as I …
Don’t eat the crab. The future of food: precision ag, grads needed, exporting water.
Good morning. Here’s our Wrap. Hope you have a great day! Californians: don’t eat the crab. Just as the season is set to open, the California Department of Public …
Water. Animals. Farmers. Sustainability. Important stuff, this.
Water. International: Are there lessons for California agriculture in how Saudi Arabia managed its groundwater? Some think so…take note. Brad Plumer for Vox. Three reasons to care about nitrate runoff. Dead zones, the …
Study: Global diabetes rate has risen by nearly half in last 20 years
Sabrina Tavernise (@stavernise) writes for the New York Times. She reports on a new study about the increasing rate of diabetes across the globe. The new study, published in …
Salt, fat and sugar in Saudi Arabia
Recently, Pulitzer prize-winning author Michael Moss visited Saudi Arabia. He was not there to report on the arms race or war. Rather, he was there to attend a medical summit. …