University of California students gathered at the Masumoto family farm near Fresno to learn about peaches, soil, and organic farming. The 28 global food fellows – representing each UC campus – shared ideas with one another, and brainstormed with UC President Janet Napolitano about UC’s new global food initiative.
Alec Rosenberg writes for the University of California:
UC Merced undergraduate student Hoaithi Dang, who is working to develop food education as part of a freshman core course next year, called the visit invigorating.
“I feel so inspired to continue my work and do more,” Dang said.
The students were hosted by the Masumoto family. Father Mas and daughter Nikiko are both UC Berkeley graduates. Mas, a third-generation farmer and author, left the students with a fundamental piece of farming wisdom:
“The key is the soil.”
The fellows program is part of UC’s ambitious and far-reaching Global Food Initiative, which seeks to harness the institution’s resources to help the effort to sustainably and nutritiously feed a growing world population. Learn more about the initiative here.
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