‘Tis the season for award shows, and good food has its own gala: the 2015 Good Food Awards, held in San Francisco early in January. The awards honor small food makers and purveyors in eleven categories, including beer, cheese, chocolate, coffee, and honey. This year there were entries from all fifty states. The Good Food Awards is organized by Seedling Projects, an organization that its co-leaders (Sarah Weiner and Dominic Phillips) term “A ‘do tank’ for the food movement, transforming ideas into action.”
Sean Elder from Newsweek reports:
“In her closing remarks, Weiner (whom the San Francisco Chronicle dubbed a “hipster pixie,” whatever that is) salutes the assembled food-crafters. “Ignoring business as usual, you build companies that feel like families, transform cities into tight-knit communities and support every social cause with a keg of beer or a wheel of cheese,” she says. “You pay more than fair trade prices to people living thousands of miles away and are the No. 1 customers of farmers down the street. Your goats have names, and you call your bees ‘ladies.’”
To learn more about the Good Food Awards, including award criteria and a list of recipients, visit the program’s website.